Representative Bio

Yoshida & Co., Ltd.
President and CEO
Hideyuki Yoshida
Current President and Director of Yoshida & Co., Ltd. Mr. Yoshida is engaged in actuary consulting services across Asia. In the educational business, he is also the president of Tokyo International Actuary Academy, where he is involved in the training of international actuaries.
March, 1976 | Joined the Meiji Life Insurance Company. Retired in February 1999 as Head of actuarial division. |
March, 1999 | Joined PriceWaterhouse Consultant (Director and Chief Actuary) |
August 2000 | Joined PwC FAS Co., Ltd. (Managing Director and Chief Actuary) |
July, 2002 | Chuo Aoyama Audit Corporation Finance Division Actuary Service (Director and Chief Actuary) |
Sept., 2006 to Nov., 2010 | Arata Audit Corporation (Director and Chief Actuary) |
Nov., 2010 to July, 2012 | Head of Analytics/Senior Advisor at Aon Benfield Japan Co., Ltd. |
July, 2012 to August, 2014 | As chief actuary of i Holdings Co., Ltd., involved in licensing acquisition of a new life insurance company |
June, 2012 to December, 2018 | Mirae Asset Prevoir Life VietnamのAppointed Actuary/Chief Financial Officer |
Educational background
March, 1976 | Graduated from Tokyo University, Department of Mathematics |
June, 1979 | Northeastern University, Graduate School of Actuarial Science Master Degree (USA) |
Professional Membership and Affiliations
Former BOD member (currently a Retired BOM member) of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan. |
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan, FIAJ |
Publications and Presentations
Jan., 1989 | (Article) Institute of Life Insurance Management, “Accounting System as Information Management” |
April, 1992 | (Book) Kinzai (co-authored), “Risk Management and the Actuary” |
June, 1994 | (Article) Japanese Society of Insurance Science, “Pricing Policy and Internal Management Accounting” |
Dec., 2007 | (Book) Maruzen Planet (co-authored), “USGAAP of Life Insurance Companies” |
June, 2003 | (Lecture) Seminar on Management Information Study Group “A Practical Response to International Insurance Contracts” |
Sept., 2003 | (Lecture) Seminar on Management Information Study Group, “Insurance Company M & A and Appraisal Value” |
Nov., 2003 | (Annual conference presentation) “The Impact of SOX Law on the Insurance Industry and Actuaries” |
June, 2004 | (Seminar Presentation) “European Embedded Value” |
May, 2005 | Presentation) Workshop organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, “On the Importance of Mathematics in Industry (From a practical perspective of finance and insurance) “ |
Sept., 2005 | (Presentation) East Asian Actuarial Conference – Bali, “IFRS Actuarial Implications from Asian Insurers’ Perspective” |
March, 2007 | (Lecture) “Scientific Intelligence” Project Mathematical Science Division Public Workshop, “Mathematical literacy that Japanese people should have (from the point of view of financial and insurance practitioners”) |
Oct., 2007 | (Lecture) East Asian Actuarial Conference – Tokyo, “IFRS – Thinking for Asia’s Tomorrow” |
Dec., 2007 | (Presentation) Seminar · Info, “Preliminary Views on Insurance Contract (Discussion Papers) of the International Accounting Standards Board” |
Dec., 2007 | (Presentation) Institute of Actuaries of Japan Moonlight Seminar “IFRS Insurance Contract Project – Phase II Discussion Paper” |
Jan., 2008 | ERM Webinar sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (USA) Planning and Presentation (1st year) |
Nov., 2008 | (Presentation) Annual Meeting of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan Panel Discussion “Regarding Market Consistent Embedded Value / (MCEV) Principles in the Europe CFO Forum” |
Dec., 2008 | ERM Webinar sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (USA) Planning and Presentation (2nd year) |
Feb., 2009 | (Presentation) Seminar · Info “Market-aligned Embedded Value (MCEV) Principles at the Europe CFO Forum” |
March, 2009 | (Presentation) Certified Public Accountants Association Insurance Study Group “Market-aligned Embedded Value (MCEV) Principles at the Europe CFO Forum” |
Oct., 2009 | (Lecture) East Asian Actuarial Conference – Seoul “MCEV in the Asian Market” |
Nov., 2009 | (Lecture) Institute of Actuaries of Japan Annual Conference Panel Discussion “The Day After Tomorrow for Insurers” |
Dec., 2009 | ERM Webinar sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (USA) Planning and Presentation (3rd year) |
Feb., 2010 | (Lecture) Association of Consulting Actuaries(ACA), Gatwick UK, ”The Day After Tomorrow for Asian Insurers” |
March, 2010 | (Presentation) International Actuarial Association – 29th International Actuary Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, “Actuarial Peer Review” |
July, 2010 | (Lecture) IFRS Foundation IFRS Conference in Tokyo, “IFRSs for Insurance Contracts – Actuarial Perspective” |
Nov., 2010 | (Lecture) Seminar · Info “On the Exposure Draft of the International Financial Reporting Standard” Insurance Contract “~ From a Mathematical Perspective – |
Nov., 2010 | (Lecture) Institute of Actuaries of Japan Annual Conference Panel Discussion “The Day After Tomorrow for Insurers – Part 2” |
Jan., 2011 | ERM Webinar sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (USA) Planning and Presentation (4th year) |
July, 2011 | University of Tokyo, Mathematics Department – Actuary Lecturer |
July, 2011 | Presented at the Tokyo Analytics Conference (AON Benfield) “Towards an IFRS on Insurance Contracts from Reinsurance Perspective” (also announced at the Reinsurance Subcommittee at the IAA Zagreb Conference) |
Dec., 2011 | Actuary Association “Open Discussion Forum” Organizer/Moderator |
Jan., 2012 | ERM Webinar sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (USA) Planning and Global Chair (5th year) |
March, 2012 |
Presentation of the report “Survey on the structure of external procurement models related to natural disaster risk” at the Financial Services Agency |
Dec., 2012 | Actuary Association “Open Discussion Forum” Organizer/Moderator |
Jan., 2013 | ERM Webinar sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (USA) Planning and Presentation (6th year) |
Feb., 2014 | ERM Webinar sponsored by the Society of Actuaries (USA) Planning and Presentation (7th year) |
April,2018 |
Presented at the OECD “demographic changes and development of the insurance market” OECD/JFSA/ADBI Roundtable on Insurance and Retirement Saving in Asia – Japan |